Trower ELA 12

Posted: 6th November 2019 by Jill Dragseth in Uncategorized

Trower European Authors Resource LA 12

Make sure you go back to the main resources on SLED  if you are having trouble with the links.

Use your author and title of works in quotes and type criticism this should help you with finding some

You can always search the library website for more resources or looking for other sources.

Trower APA Format 19

Sample word document.


Citing Sources Videos

Citing vs Plagiarism Flowchart:

Citing when you’re not directly quoting:

Formatting Videos

Setting up your APA Paper  Word Video

Setting up your APA Paper Google Docs

Google Docs  Running Head

Plagiarism Videos

Plagiarism Saturday Night Live

Plagiarism from Otis Library